Ecomodel founders and Company structure

Federica Roscioni, PhD
MSc in Biology
Master in Animal Ecology and Conservation: Protected Areas and Ecological Networks
PhD in Environment and Territory at the University of Molise in collaboration with the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II and the CIBIO/UP, Portugal (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources/University of Porto).
Expert in vertebrates, especially bats, conservation biology, GIS, Species Distribution Models, landscape connectivity analysis, landscape ecology, Life Projects, Interreg Europe Projects, formation and ecotourism. Research interests: environmental modelling for the quantification of the cumulative impacts of the infrastructure on biodiversity at different spatial and functional scales; application of Species Distribution Models to conservation and invasion biology; environmental modelling for the evaluation of the distribution and habitat suitability of Caretta caretta in the Aeolian islands.

Leonardo Ancillotto, PhD
PhD in Animal Biology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in collaboration with the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II
Expert in ecology and behaviour of bats and small mammals, bio-acoustics, statistics, education and courses, research project and manuscript writing,invasive alien species. Research interests: animal ecology, ethology, bio-acoustics, conservation biology

Valentina Caserta
MSc in Marine Biology at the Univeristy of Bologna – Ravenna Campus. Certified ACCOBAMS MMO/PAM
operator. PhD student in innovative technologies and sustainable use of fish and biological resources in
Mediterranean sea (fishMED) c/o University of Bologna and CNR-IRBIM Ancona. Drone driver ENAC
certificate. Expert in marine vertebrates especially on cetaceans and sea turtles, fishery biology, behavioural
modelling and marine mammals sociality, evaluation impact assessment of anthropic impact on the marine
Research interests: cetaceans eco etology dei cetacei, evaluation impact assessment of anthropic impact on
the marine environment.

Sonia Smeraldo, PhD
Forest and Environmental MSc
PhD in Agriculture and Food Sciences at the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II in collaboration with the CIBIO/UP Portugal (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources/University of Porto).
Expert in niche modelling for the analysis of colonization and biologic invasion, GIS, conservation biology. Research interests: animal ecology, species distribution modelling, risk assessment on fauna and habitat

Ivy Di Salvo, PhD
Ecology and Biogeography MSc
PhD in Animal Biology at the University of Palermo in collaboration with the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II.
Expert in bats, small mammals, monitoring and conservation of biodiversity. Research interests: animal ecology and evaluation impact assessment

Valentina Nardone, PhD
Forest and Environmental MSc
PhD in “Improvement and Management of Agricultural and Forestry Resources” at the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II in collaboration with the Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC, Spain)
Expert in bats, bio-acoustics, molecular ecology, quality bio-indication of riparial habitat, conservation biology, invasive alien species.
Research interests: animal ecology and quantification of the impacts of forestry and infrastructures on biodiversity

Manuel Scarfò
MSc in Animal and Human Evolution and Behaviour at the University of Turin.
Expert in fauna monitoring, field work, conservation biology, genotoxicology and cytogenetics.
Research interests: animal ethology and ecology evaluation impact assessment, bioacustics and genetics.

Francesco Belluardo, PhD
Nature Sciences MSc at the State University of Milan (Italy).
PhD in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution at the University of Porto, CIBIO-InBIO and
BIOPOLIS (Portugal).
Expert in herpetology, tropical biology (Madagascar), molecular and evolutionary biology,
biodiversity cataloguing, systematics and taxonomy.
Research interests: biodiversity conservation and monitoring, impact of emerging infectious
diseases on the Italian herpetofauna.
External members

Dott. Massimiliano Marinacci
LAPET certified tax counsellor according to the law 4/2013. Registered with the n. 7849058 at the LAPET provincial office of Rome.
Experience and skills in accounting, fiscal, tax, administrative and corporate field. Collaboration with important national professional studios and important company groups. Founder of the corporate and tax professional studio Marinacci

Mirko Di Febbraro, PhD
Master in Animal Ecology and Conservation: Protected Areas and Ecological Networks.
PhD in Management and Conservation issues in changing landscapes at the University of Molise in collaboration with the Department of Ecology and Evolution (DEE), University of Lausanne. He also collaborates with the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II.
Researcher at the University of Molise
Expert in environmental modelling, conservation biology, statistics, GIS.
Research interests: global change, alien species, forestry management and infrastructure impact assessment on biodiversity at different spatial and functional scale by means of different modelling tools

Antonio Fulco
MSc in Biology
Biologist expert in bats, biodiversity and evolution, monitoring and conservation of biodiversity, nutrition, collection of microbiological and venous samples for diagnostic purposes.
Speleological, mountaineering and climbing activities.
Research interests: animal ecology, cave-dwelling bats , bio-acoustics, food and nutrition.

Giusi De Castro
MSc in Environmental Sciences c/o the University of Molise.
Master in Animal Ecology and Conservation: Protected Areas and Ecological Networks c/o the University of Rome La Sapienza.
Expert in vertebrate ecology with a special focus on mammals and birds, Environmental Impact Assessment, monitoring and conservation biology.

Mark Zammit
MSc in Biology from the University of Malta.
Expert in conservation biology with specialisation on terrestrial habitats, vegetation and mammals of the Maltese Islands. Experienced in ecological surveys, impact assessments and management of EU funded projects.